t is with great pleasure that we present this eighth edition of the Multilingual Dictionary of New Words, a compilation of neologisms discovered and submitted by translators from each of the European Parliament’s twenty-four language units. The project first saw the light of day in 2010, and since then has gone from strength to strength. This edition has an impressive 512 new entries covering all possible aspects of life, as well as brand new illustrations. Words are the tools of our trade, and we are constantly in search of the right ones, whether in legislative or less formal contexts. This means not only seeking out the correct terminology for the subject matter in hand but also keeping in touch with the way our language is evolving in the home country, so that our own usage remains up to date. We hope you will enjoy browsing through the dictionary, and perhaps making some discoveries of your own.

uropean Parliament, Multilingual dictionary of new words – Eighth edition, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2861/008813