Auf dieser Seite veröffentlichen wir Neues und Interessantes über Aktivitäten von FIT und FIT Europe. Die Veröffentlichungen der FIT erfolgen auf Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch. Die Zeitschrift der FIT, Translatio, ist hier verfügbar.
+ „The Translation Industry By Numbers – Between Growth, Transformation, and Reinvention“: Friday, May 10th 1 pm, free live webinar by Gabriel Karandyšovský on the current state of the translation and interpreting market and the prospects for the future. Registration.
+ „Fairness First: Defining Mutually Beneficial Working Relationships“. The idea was to bring us together to initiate a dialogue to build relationships that are fairer. To create an economic system where everyone can thrive. Webinar held on April 17th. Watch the recording on the FIT Europe youtube channel.

FIT Congress 2022 in Kuba

Nach langer Pause treffen sich die Ü/D-Verbände der Welt wieder persönlich
auf dem FIT Congress 2022 in Varadero, Cuba.
Der ADÜ Nord ist mit dabei, vertreten durch den 1. Vorsitzenden Jörg Schmidt.
Eindrücke vom FIT Congress 2022 von Jörg Schmidt

Die Kolleginnen aus Costa Rica freuen sich sehr darüber.
ELIS 2022
Die Ergebnisse der ELIS 2022 sind veröffentlicht (in englischer Sprache)
Position Papers der FIT Europe zu „Post-Editing“ (April 2021) und „Translation, Localization, and Transcreation“ (Januar 2020)
Sehr zur Lektüre empfohlen: Die Papers definieren klar die Begriffe MÜ und PE („full PE“, „light PE“ und „automatic PE“) und grenzen die folgenden Begriffe gegeneinander ab: Übersetzung, konventionelle Übersetzung, Lokalisierung und Transkreation. Mehr dazu erfahren Sie hier: Post-Editing und Translation, Localization, and Transcreation
ITD 2021: United in translation

After more than a year of Covid-19 keeping us apart, this year’s theme is “United in translation“
Each year, translators, interpreters and terminologists celebrate International Translation Day on 30 September, the feast of St. Jerome. A unifying theme is chosen each year and a competition is held to design a poster for FIT members to print and use to promote the day and join together in celebrating our professions.
In 2017 we achieved an historical milestone for all professional translators, interpreters and terminologists, with the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopting Resolution A/RES/71/288, recognising the role of professional translation in connecting nations, and fostering peace, understanding and development. In the same resolution, the United Nations General Assembly declared 30 September to be UN International Translation Day, celebrated across the entire UN network.
FIT Europe twittert:
Mo., Sep. 20, 2021:
Please fill out the #ELE survey! Its aim is to prepare a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and a Roadmap, in order to tackle the striking imbalance between 🇪🇺 languages in terms of the support they receive through
European Language Equality: Consultation with European Language Technology users and consumers
📢And here it is, the official EN/FR press release of the new #FITEurope team that takes up the baton from the outgoing board! We are ready to get to work for the benefit of the #xl8 and #1nt profession! Our first meeting is already scheduled for next week

We are very pleased to announce that FIT Europe, represented by our @FIT_EuropeChair, has been selected as a new member for a 6 year term of #LIND (Language Industry) Expert Group, that provides Directorate-General for #Translation with expertise on the #xl8 industry #DGT

- FIT survey – sondage: Business in the time of coronavirus: Take 4
- FIT Europe webinar: Does this sound right? Understanding the acoustics and health implications of RSI

Celebrate International Translation Day (ITD) 2020 with our winning poster design for this year’s ITD theme: Finding the words for a world in crisis.
Our profession has been pivoting rapidly to keep up with changing realities and expectations, and the importance of our work to ensuring clear information reaches everyone and overcoming language barriers – both global and local – has been highlighted in unprecedented ways this year.
Translators, terminologists and interpreters provide crucial services both on the front line and behind the news in crisis situations, so let’s celebrate our contributions amongst ourselves as well as provide the general public with information about our work.
This year’s ITD poster competition received a record of 46 entries. The winning design came from Liza Gunenko and captures the importance of unity and solidarity to counterbalance the looming crisis. More information about her is to follow soon on the FIT website and social media.
This year, let us celebrate ITD as never before. Join together, while keeping a safe distance, in whatever way you can. Download the poster and share it to promote your celebrations.
To all our members, we say, stay safe. Working together, we will overcome the challenges ahead.
Tweet von FIT Europe (@FIT_Europe) am 3. Juli 2020
The UK is preparing to launch a mega-tender: the pan-government contract will cover #xl8 and #1nt services to be used by a range of central government departments and UK public sector bodies
Umfrageergebnisse, 23. Juni 2020
Results from FIT Europe’s COVID-19 “Take 3” survey
Poster Competition 2020

Umfrageergebnisse, 5. Juni 2020
FIT Europe and EUATC release the full European Language Industry Survey 2020 slidedeck.
Positionspapier der FIT vom 3. Juni 2020: „FIT Position Paper on the Role of FIT / Document de position de la FIT sur le rôle de la FIT“ als PDF-Dokument